Crypto Gist: My Crypto Journey Started Scarily, but Now It’s My Second Career
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August, 30 2022
Crypto Gist
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Crypto Gist is a Yellow Card series that features stories of real life people across Africa around cryptocurrencies. You'll read funny but educative stories in the Crypto Gist series.
Crypto Gist is a series that highlights the stories of real people around Africa around cryptocurrencies. Our guests share their crypto experiences - intro to crypto, wins, scams, losses and lessons. Would you like to tell your story? Don’t hesitate. Fill out this form to share your story.
Hi, Can we meet you?
I’m Martha, a student and crypto investor. I’m also from Kenya
It’s great to meet you, Martha! How would you describe your crypto experience in one word?
Jeez! Why scary, though?
Okay, maybe I overreacted. That was just the first word that came to mind. It was terrifying and confusing as a beginner. It’s still a bit scary, but I’m pretty cautious and more experienced, so I guess I’m not as terrified as I was initially.
That’s great to know! How did you get into crypto?
I was in my fourth year at University. By the way, I’m a law student.
Awesome! Go, Girl!
Thanks! Anyway, I was in my fourth year, didn’t have any side hustle, and was totally dependent on my parents. It might be alright for most people, but it wasn’t for me. Sure, I had good grades, and I would definitely get a job after school. Yet, I was 21, an adult; I had to become more responsible for myself.
Exactly! I didn’t know how to go about this; I had no significant skills and nothing I was passionate about. There was this girl in my class. She is a straight-up boss. You know those go-getters. We don’t talk that much, I’d call us acquaintances, but she was someone I deeply respected. She’s very independent, lives on her own and buys everything herself. We had talked a couple of times, so I knew she was a serial entrepreneur. She was into forex and had other side hustles like selling organic soaps and wigs.
One day, we were to have a class, but the professor was late. I was seated at her back, engrossed on my phone, when I happened to steal into her conversation. She and a guy in my class talked about buying a token. She suggested he invest $100 and hold for a while before deciding to invest or add more. I knew she was into forex, but whatever token she talked about (currency, as I thought then) seemed strange. After the guy left, I asked her about it. She explained she was talking about crypto.
Well, beat me up, but at that time, I didn't know what that was. I could tell you about the trendiest gist on socials, but I didn’t know what that was. She was kind, so she tried explaining it to me. We didn’t talk much because the professor came almost right after, but she intrigued me.
After the class, we exchanged contacts and picked up on WhatsApp right where we left off. Honestly, crypto might have seemed intriguing initially, but I got sceptical about it, mainly when she talked about the price gains and dips. I told her it wasn’t for me straight up. However, she was adamant and convinced me to buy my first crypto, Ethereum. Surprise! Surprise! My first crypto wasn’t bitcoin.
Haha, I get!
I bought ETH, 6,000 Kenyan shillings (KES) from my monthly allowance. I can’t remember what the price was then. I bought it at night, and by the time I woke up the following day, my funds stood at 4500KES. I withdraw my money immediately. I’ll be honest I was upset with Ce-Ce. That’s the girl that introduced me to crypto. We didn't talk for a few weeks after that. I remember we went on holiday plus I mentioned she’s an acquaintance.
How did you get back into crypto?
It was a while later; ETH had risen to $2,000, I believe. I didn’t know at that time. Well, Ce-ce had changed her phone to an iPhone 12. Plus. She had made a significant profit from the price gains and expected me to have added more funds and cashed out.
I’m a sissy that sold too fast, so I didn't!
I decided to buy it again! It was terrifying. Prices were going up and down. I’d choose not to sell until it reaches a particular price, and shocker, it will dip further. It seemed as if the market had a thing for me.
I was hooked to my phone most of the time; I was making a profit; most of it was minimal, but it was at least something. I learned more, took some classes, and Ce-Ce even recommended a group where they checked price trends or something.
Fast forward to today, Crypto is my second career! Whoa!
Amazing! I get why you mentioned it was scary at the beginning
It was, but I’m calmer now. I know enough now to know about when to buy and sell.
Cool! What would be your advice if given the opportunity to advise crypto newbies?
I don’t like doing this. You know, referring someone to crypto and they don’t make a profit can make them hate you and ruin your relationship. I’m no Ce-Ce!
Lol, not advice per se, just something you learned in your journey that you think can help newbies.
I get it now! I would say it's okay to be terrified; In fact, I think you must be a stone if you don’t get scared at one point or the other. It’s your money we are talking about. Yet, just calm down. Don’t rush to sell and meet experts that can help you through the journey. You could also use the Yellow Card academy. It helped me. That works?
Yes, Thank you. It was great to have you, Martha.
My pleasure. Thanks for having me. Also, because I said meet experts doesn’t mean you should take their every word for it. Do your own research.
Lol! Thanks again, Martha.
You’re welcome.
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